If It Doesn’t Make Sense
By Dr. Derek Carlsen
How are we meant to wrap our minds around what is happening before our eyes today?
The Evil Agenda
How does evil advance its agenda? Evil advances its cause through lies and deception while pretending to be an angel of light, however, the pretending becomes less and less over time until it unashamedly reveals its true colors and calls good evil and evil good.
Hypocrisy, Contradiction, and Nonsense
When narratives are clearly hypocritical, contradictory, and nonsensical, we need to stop marveling at the brazen lies and realize we’re in the midst of a campaign set on destruction. The surreal stupidity that propagates and defends the never-ending stream of ridiculous ideas needs to be recognized for what it is and firmly countered. We need to discern that the madness is by design, intent on our obliteration, because if we do not grasp this, we will not be able to effectively defend ourselves or our nation.
Ahab’s Example
When Ahab became king of Israel, we are told that he did more evil in the sight of the Lord than all who were before him (1 Kings 16:31). His sin was brazen; he built a temple for the image of Baal that he had made and worshiped the idol. God announced a drought through the prophet Elijah (1 Kings 17:1) and then protected the prophet from Ahab. When Ahab and the prophet met after three and a half years of drought, the first thing the king said to Elijah was, “Is that you, O troubler of Israel?” (1 Kings 18:17). Ahab’s words were perverse nonsense, given all the teachings and history of Israel up to that point. Ahab tried to silence the prophet by misusing his political office and words. Truth and facts were irrelevant to the king’s self-serving agenda.
Corruption, Lies and Cover-Ups
Scripture shows that at some point the people in a nation become culpable for the sin and corruption of their leaders because they too have embraced the lies. Thus, nations come under God’s judgment and though God is longsuffering, He will not be mocked (2 Peter 3:9; Galatians 6:7).
The leaders in Israel who plotted against Jesus were internally corrupt though they paraded themselves as bastions of virtue (Matthew 23:27). By the time they dragged Jesus before Pilate, there was enough evidence available for the masses to identify who was guilty and who was innocent. Thus, merely considering the two temple cleansings that Jesus did: one at the beginning of His ministry and one at the end, reveals brazen, institutionalized corruption (John 2:14-16; Matthew 21:12-13). Nevertheless, the multitudes allowed themselves to be swayed by the deceptive words of their leaders (Matthew 27:20). Instead of recognizing blatant corruption in the leadership, the multitudes believed their lies and so denied and condemned (Acts 3:14), in the name of God, the perfect manifestation (revelation) of God Himself (John 14:9; Colossians 1:15; Hebrews 1:3).
The multitude, by failing in their responsibility to scrutinize and question the words and actions of their leaders, invited God’s judgment upon themselves and their children (Matthew 27:25). Meanwhile, the leaders continued in their same ways by trying to massage the truth when Jesus was on the cross (John 19:21), by trying to prevent the resurrection (Matthew 27:62-64) and by trying to cover-up the fact that Jesus rose from the dead (Matthew 28:11-15). All of this was a hopeless attempt to prop up their original false narratives about Jesus.
Don’t Stop Questioning
When people in a nation stop questioning and thinking critically, it’s because they’re either lazy, afraid, deceived, or the truth is too emotionally disturbing. All of these reasons lead people to disconnect from reality by suppressing truth and embracing lies. Then they welcome any means that helps to hide the facts and promote the false narrative, like threats and intimidation (John 19:12), corrupt judicial processes (Matthew 26:67; Luke 22:63-65; 23:20-24; John 18:23, 29-30; Acts 23:3), suppression of free speech (John 9:22; Acts 4:18; 5:40), false accusations (Matthew 26: 59-61; Luke 23:1-2), and hypocrisy (Matthew 27:24; John 8:4; 18:28).
Non-Existent Credibility
When universities, for example, defend multiple gender possibilities, how can people respect their credibility on any topic? Yet multitudes still revere their “hallowed” halls and issued degrees. How many lies are required before a news outlet is rejected? Our modern experience shows that even innumerable lies won’t offend many viewers. How much judicial corruption must there be before people accept the possibility of judicial corruption? For many people, there is no corruption in any institution or agency if it is supporting their narrative. We saw this in Jesus’ trial when the vast majority of those who witnessed it, left those proceedings believing justice had been done. Our national life is no different to Jesus’ trial where many remain comfortable though we are wallowing in a cesspool of corruption and lies where leaders and followers unashamedly call black white, evil good, and injustice justice. This is Satanic and unless believers realize this, they will continue to accommodate it rather than defy it.
The apostles, refusing to be silenced by corrupt threats and beatings, continued to proclaim the truth with boldness (Acts 5:40-42).